Real Estate
Quality, Personal Service.
Real Estate Conveyancing
In most cases, real estate – a detached house, townhouse, condo, rowhome, manufacture home or float home – is the most valuable asset that a person possesses in his lifetime. Because of the high associated monetary value, buying and selling is often stressful for people. The process can be overwhelming: packing, cancelling house insurance, setting up financing, forwarding your mail at Canada Post, arranging for movers…
Let us make it easier! Contact us early. We’ll advise you of the next steps and take care of all the paperwork so you can focus on your “to do” list knowing that the legalities are in good hands.
These are the real estate transactions we can facilitate:
- Contract review (prior to subject removal)
- Sale
- Purchase
- Refinance / Mortgage / Secured Line of Credit
- Family Transfer
- Covenant
- Changing the type of Ownership on title (Joint Tenants vs. Tenants in Common)
- Independent Legal Advice (ILA) for guarantors or co-borrowers of a mortgage for another person
Helpful things to know before you buy or sell:
- Completion date: the buyer’s legal office submits the legal documents to the Land Title Office for registration and “makes money available” to the seller’s legal office. The seller’s legal office is responsible to send a courier to pick up the trust cheque and subsequently deposit monies into their own trust account before distributing monies to payout mortgages and other property expenses. (Note: Money moves “the old fashioned way” and cannot be moved between trust accounts by wire transfer or the “click of a button”). As a result, sale proceeds are usually available to the seller the next business day after completion.
- Possession date: the buyer gets the keys to the property.
- Adjustment date: the date from which the buyer becomes responsible for costs associated with the property (strata fees, property taxes, utilities, etc.).
- Our office does not provide keys to the buyer; the buyer’s realtor makes these arrangements.
- Same day sale and purchase completions are NOT encouraged as they are often problematic due to unrealistic time constraints and higher client costs incurred by additional fees and rush charges. If you are buying and selling, it is optimal to set your sale completion date one day before your purchase completion date.
- Property Transfer Tax (PTT) is a tax payable by all buyers to the BC Government. The tax is based on the purchase price: 1% on the first $200,000.00 and 2% on the balance of the price (and a further 3% on any amount more than $2,000,000.00). There are some cases in which a buyer may be eligible to claim an exemption from PTT. For an entire list of exemption, click here.
Quality, Personal Service.
Your first impression as a new client is one of casual friendliness, second is efficient service and third is loyalty. Donna has built a client base that keeps coming back. Donna's team follows her lead: caring, compassionate and very effective in their chosen profession. Give us a call, let us make an impression.